понедельник, 30 июня 2014 г.

download GasRecord Key APK

GasRecord Key


Download .apk

This is a key to unlock features in GasRecord. This application does not run on its own, you need to download the free version of GasRecord AND this key to unlock the paid Plus features.


A gas tracking program for multiple vehicles. With only a few keystrokes, you can record fuel purchases and calculate gas mileage or gas economy.

*Main screen includes current economy and average for the selected vehicle.

*View all fillups for each vehicle on a list view.

*View all fillup locations and price on a map view using GPS data.

*Back up data to your SD card and export report data to Excel.

*Use many units including: MPG, km/l, Miles per imperial gallon, Litre per 100km, Gallons per 100mi and even pounds of CO2/mile.

*Create PDF reports by vehicle over custom date ranges, display them on your phone and email them.

*Display Statistics for any or all vehicles over any date range.

*Display graphs of efficiency or gas price data for any or all vehicles over any date range. (Plus Feature)

*Synchronize vehicles between more than one phone. (Plus Feature)

*Select fuel Octane from many options.

Please email me with bugs or suggestions!

Download .apk

Repeatedly filmmakers have used jams as tropical to the tension and trap creating characters stress triggering situations, Ron Livingston as the drudgery morning commute in the cult comedy 'Office Space' download GasRecord Key 1.0 for free . Gridlock in gridlock in 'One Fine Day 'brought out the best and the worst in two single parent. And the famous eight minutes tracking of a traffic jam in Godard 1967 film shot 'Week End 'serves as a comment on the human condition. Though hoping Los Angeles officials that are this year's Carmageddon II - which starts Saturday at 12:01 clock and ends early Monday morning before the rush hour - will be a repeat of last year its 'Carmaheaven, 'they are still urging motorists take the weekend off of the streets.

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