Medrills: Army Crico
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The MEDRILLs (U.S. Army Medic) Cricothyroidotomy app is a highly interactive training tool for initial training and skill sustainment of task 081-833-3005 for U.S. Army Health Care Specialists (Combat Medic, MOS 68W).
Each MEDRILLs App covers a 68W (Army Combat Medic) task and consist of 3 modes:
• Instruction Mode – Multimedia instructional animation that covers the injury, diagnosis, and treatment
• Training Mode – A series Interactive exercises focused on ‘key point’ of each subtask. Each exercise takes a subtask’s key point and transforms it into an active learning exercise on the touchscreen interface.
• Testing mode – Ensure trainees can correctly compete the task. It tests trainees using the same exercises as training mode but grades them in accordance with the task’s Go/No-Go criteria.
All training is the app is in accordance with STP 8-68W13-SM-TG “SOLDIER'S MANUAL AND TRAINER'S GUIDE, MOS 68W, HEALTH CARE SPECIALIST SKILL LEVELS 1, 2 AND 3”
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