Apex Theme Xperia Z
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Xperia Z Theme is an Apex Theme.
Built in with all new resources to customize your handsets like never before.
Contains all Icons supported with Apex Launcher.
Doesn't work with NOVA Launchers.
Contains HD Wallpapers from Xperia Z .
Icon Requests are welcome :
Download Quickshortcut from Market.
Tap on the Applications Tab.
Ex: Camera: com.lge.camera/com.lge.camera.cameraapp
Please send me the part after(/), com.lge.camera.cameraapp
I shall work on Icon Requests , for all my Customers.
Current Covered Devices are :
Galaxy SII(All Variants)
Galaxy SIII (All Variants)
Galaxy Note (All Variants)
Galaxy Note 2 (All Variants)
LG Optimus L9 (All Variants)
LG Optimus 4X HD (All Variants)
Only meant to be used with APEX Launchers.
Download .apk
Forward observers might be a connection between this image and Nintendo's plans for a major new product to debut in the next year to draw Apex Theme Xperia Z 1.0 apk free download . It is also interesting to note that on the same date, Nintendo re - trademarked the name and logo for Family Computer that shorten to also Famicom , the Japanese name for what came to America as Nintendo Entertainment system obtained.
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