суббота, 9 августа 2014 г.

Notification For SmartWatch apk free download

Notification For SmartWatch


Download .apk

This is the extension to really enjoy your smartwatch2!

Supported all apps!

So you are instantly notified about Facebook or Whatsapp messages, Google Play updates and all other notifications!


Frist setting -> -> On


Features list

1. Send all notifications to your Sony Smartwatch

2. You can select apps. (Notification come, will be added automatically.)

3. Setting notification time .

4. Delete notification from SmartWatch.

5. Setting block notification keyword.

6. Setting notification time.

7. Launcher app from smartwatch.

8 . Setting Notification only screen on.

9 .Setting block keyword with app

System Notification




Sony Smartwatch







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Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2

LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch

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've created, Confirms 'Before Sunset'Sequel development in Greece'We write here a third installment to 'Before Sunrise ', 'Hawke told MTV download Notification For SmartWatch free android app . 'If it works, we will be filming, and when this does not happen, we will not. It is not really worth talking about. I am just developing here. 'He seems pretty laid back about the whole thing, probably in an effort to not get movie sites freak out what that means, but I think we can all see the writing on the wall. It is clear that these three to love that characters that they 've created, and the fact that they write a script means that enough to make it enough to make it past just talking about it seems to do it. 'There were rumors that the film called Before Midnight might, but Hawke does not mention that at all.

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