AppChooser Pro
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You cannot select app in the choosing app dialog since too many apps are shown? Use AppChooser Pro and enjoy!
Long tap on the unnecessary app and hide that.
- Hooks share/send/file/shortcut action.
- List/tile mode.
- Share/send to multiple apps.
Support language: Japanese, English
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Sci-fi New ' Robocop ' Viral Launches, Featuring views of the ED-209you have to love the summer, with Comic-Con and The Dark Knight Rises just around the corner download AppChooser Pro free android app . A new viral site was created for the upcoming sci-fi remake of Robocop in the footsteps in the footsteps of Total Recall, remaking Vorhoeven sci-fi classic. Website website is named for the fictional company in the film OmniCorp and provides the motto: But do they really 'We have the future under control. '? the fun of viral marketing by. Into this world firsthand The site has a video and a first look at the badass robot the 'ED-209 ', the fans certainly remember from the original films. - The site primarily about two robots OmniCorp product creations: 'tested Battlefield. 'The ED-209, Plus, the XT-909 'unmanned aerial vehicles ', which is basically just a drone. Stay tuned for more updates. The new website also OmniCorp this video in the 'Product Line 'area, but all the other links that say: 'Access denied'or not. Of course this is only the start of viral, such as Jos? Padilha Robocop which is just starting.
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